Kerala’s most popular media person M.V Nikesh Kumar is going to start a news channel,named as ‘Reporter’.Yesterday MT Vasudevan Nair Relieved the Log of Channel ‘ReporteR’ at a function.MV Nikesh Kumar is the managing director and Chief Editor of ‘ReporteR’,and he added that ‘ReporteR’ will start its operations by April 2011 from kochi.’Reporter’ will be the first High Definition News Channel in Kerala.The financial back up of the channel will be from Indo-asian news channel private limited (IANS).
KOCHI: The Malayalam news channel Reporter owned by IndoAsian News Channel Private Ltd will be on air from May 11.
The director board meeting of the channel on Wednesday elected litterateur M T Vasudevan Nair as its chairman. Vasudevan Nair told reporters here that the channel would be on air from May 11 by presenting programmes which will be a run up to the announcement of the election results.
He said that Reporter was the first high-definition channel in South India. Channel managing director and editor-in-chief M V Nikesh Kumar said that the channel would also launch a journalism college.
Thechannel is the 1st HD format channel in Malayalam
Technical details
Reporter : Insat 2 - 83 east,
frequency 4050 mhz,
format mpeg 4,
sr 5084 mbps.
vertical, fec 7/8
The channel will be available on the following satellite configuration:
ReplyDeleteSatellite: Insate 2.E
Location : 83 Degree East
Format : MPEG4
Frequency - 4050 MHz
Symbol rate - 5084 Mbps
Polarisation - Vertical
FEC - 7/8
Watch reporter channel online,click here